Search Engine Optimization

As of January 2018 we've limited our SEO services to copywriting, and content restructuring

SEO Copywriting Techniques

It's a common misconception that SEO copywriting is only about keywords. In our experience, the structure and richness of your content is just as important. 3twenty9 utilizes popular web-based content resources to analyze your content and find proven content structures that reflect your mission and get you traffic.

The average length of content for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words. The higher up you go on the search listings page, the more content each web page has. *source

When someone lands on your site from Google, two things can happen: they either leave right away or they stick around. When people stick around, Google gives it a rankings boost.

Today’s Google doesn’t care how many times a keyword is used on your website – instead, it pays close attention to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords, which are words and phrases that are closely related. 3twenty9 will audit your website content and recommend LSI strategies optimized for Google’s search results.

In an evaluation of 200 small business websites, 70% of them didn’t display clear calls-to-action for anything on their home pages, such as specials, email newsletters, how-to guides, demos, and interactive tools. *source

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